Today I have been working on my website for some time now and I think its time for a break! I have completed the home page, including a link to a sub-page about how to navigate around the website. I implemented a slide show of various pictures relevant to Albert Einstein and E=MC^2, in-addition to information about myself to get the reader to know a bit about the author of the website, "ME". I have made a few more pages, "Glossary", "Social", and "Feedback". The Activity Blog page and Feedback page have now been added as a sub page underneath the main page "Social". So far, I have completed the Feedback page, which includes a contact form so a person viewing the website can leave their opinion about the website, maybe add some suggestions for improvements or some healthy criticism, its all up to them ^_^. I haven't added anything into my glossary page as of yet as I am going to leave that as the last thing I do on my website because when I finish all other pages relevant to my website, I can browse through and see which words would be appropriate to add into the Glossary. Tomorrow, I plan on further working on my website, where I will complete the "How to navigate around the website" page and officially complete the full biography of Einstein's life, which will be nice :). So far, so good, I am staying on schedule and the full completion of the website should be done in a week or so.

Ashley Branson 

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    Ashley        Branson

    This is the "Blog" section on my website for which I will be keeping track of my progress in-addition to writing how I have been going, future goals, and what I have done in each session working on my website.